My research exploring topics in visualization, interaction, graphics, and new media has been presented at and published in top-tier conferences and journals, including VIS, SIGGRAPH, CSCW, UIST, MM, NIME, EuroVis, TOG, TVCG, CG&A, CGF, Bioinformatics, Human Brain Mapping, Leonardo, Artnodes, and others. My lab has been funded through federal grants from NIH, NSF, and DARPA, as well as through corporate grants from Keysight Technologies and Epic Games. My graduate students and postdoctoral researchers have all been successful in finding positions in industry and academia, including IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Microsoft Research, Tesla, Dropbox, The New York Times, Canon Medical Research, Harvard Medical School, CUNY, Stanford University, University of Michigan, and many others.
Prior to joining the Computational Media faculty at UC Santa Cruz, I was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at University of Illinois at Chicago, where I designed and taught graduate courses in Information Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Deep Learning. I also introduced new cross-departmental undergraduate curriculum in Creative Coding for students in Design and Computer Science, and I co-founded the first dual-degree MS/MFA joint program in Computer Science and New Media Arts.
I completed my graduate work in the Media Arts & Technology Program and the Computer Science Department at University of California, Santa Barbara. While at UC Santa Barbara, I was affiliated with the Experimental Visualization Lab, led by Prof. George Legrady, and was a researcher both in the Imaging, Interaction, and Innovative Interfaces Lab, led by Dr. Tobias Hollerer and Dr. Matthew Turk, and the AlloSphere Research Facility, directed by Dr. JoAnn Kuchera-Morin. Before that, I founded and was the CEO of Synaesthetic Software.
My research, creative work, and teaching portfolio can be found at my lab website. I can be reached by email at and my office is located in Engineering 2, room E2-259.