When Tu 9:30am-12noon & Th 9:30am-10:45am
Where EVL CyberCommons, 2068 ERF
Announcements Piazza
Office hours 2032 ERF, Th 11am-12pm (or by appointment)
This course provides a forum for investigating advanced topics in information visualization and visual analytics. The goal of data visualization is to help people reason effectively about information, allowing them to: formulate and test hypotheses; to find patterns and meaning in the data; and to easily explore the contours of data sets from different perspectives and at varying scales. This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of both information visualization (representations of abstract data sets) and scientific visualization (representations of empirically-gathered scientific data sets). We will explore fundamental and contemporary topics in visualization, including: the use of visual modalities to represent different types of data; emphasizing salient data through the design and implementation of effective visual metaphors; how to create compelling narratives from data; how perception informs information design; handling uncertainty and ambiguity; and the representation of temporal and spatial data. We will read widely from both seminal work in the field of visualization as well as from recent papers from top-tier conferences and journals (VIS, TVCG, CHI, SIGGRAPH, etc). In addition to the completion of weekly writing assignments, students will be responsible for three projects that involve the creation, demonstration, and documentation of novel interactive visualization techniques.
Students should be of graduate standing with a strong interest in data visualization. Students will be expected either to work on novel research related to fundamental topics in information visualization or viusal analytics, or to the application of contemporary visualization techniques to a topic in an area that they are already familar with, or both. A working knowledge of programming for computer graphics and/or data visualization is expected (e.g., OpenGL, D3.js, Processing, VTK, etc). Finally, students should have completed CS 424. Exceptions to these prequisites can be made at the discretion of the instructor.
Class Projects
Research Journals
Paul Murray
Shi Yin
Chihua Ma
Giorgio Conte
Massimo De Marchi
Anthony Perritano
Francesco Paduano
Kyle Almryde
Visualization Projects
Force-Directed Cartograms
Force-Directed Counties
Non-Contiguous Cartograms
Turing Machine Painting
High-Dimensional Crawler
Dynamic Weighted Directed Graph
Thread of Code
Graph Uncertainty
Encoding Uncertainty
with Motion
with Frequency
Paths through Space
Number of Interactions
Transit Delay
Transit Efficiency
Best Travel Mode
Dark Sky
Point Cloud
Halo Pathlines
Exploring Biological Pathways
Visualizing Neuron Behavior
Intrinsic Geometry
Visualizing Multi-Modal Accessibility of Chicago Area
Extended LineSets
Research Papers
The Effective Analysis of Biological Pathways
Visualizing Public Transport Systems
Human Connectomics Visualization
Geographic Visualization in Urban Planning
Analyzing Multi-Modal Accessibility of Metropolitan Chicago
Extended LineSets
Visualizing Dynamic Brain Networks
Visualizing the Intrinsic Geometry of the Human Brain Connectome
Visualizations for Science Education
Visualization Techniques of Time-Varying Volumetric functional Neuroimaging Data
April 9th, Dr. Tamara Munzner of University of British Columbia's InfoVis Group
April 28th, Dr. Tuan Dang, postdoctoral researcher in University of Illinois at Chicago's Creative Coding Research Group
Interview / STARs
Research Papers
Grading will be based on your contributions to discussions and critique sessions, the thoughtful and timely completion of assignments, and especially the creation, evaluation, and documentation of innovative visualization projects. All students are required to participate in multiple group projects, and to act as the lead for a project of their own choosing.
Research journal 15%
State-of-the-art (STAR) reports 16%
One project as lead 25%
Two projects as assistant 25%
Discussion and critique sessions 10%
Short Assignments 9%
Attendance is required. Any student missing more than four classes for any reason will not pass the course. You can use these four absences as you like, for sick days, holidays, or special events observed by organized religions (for students who show affiliation with that particular religion), or those pre-approved by the UIC Dean of Students (or Dean's designee). No social media in class; no eating in class (gum or coffee is okay); no texting or phone calls in class.
Visualization Surveys
Visual Complexity
Flowing Data
Data Stories
Lev Manovich's home page
reddit's Data is Beautiful
Vintage Visualizations
Ben Fry's home page
Fathom Information Design
Interrogating Methodolgies
Videos & Lectures
James Elkins' Problems in the Theory of Visualization
Brett Victor's videos on Vimeo