Grading will be based on participation and successfully mastery of course content, evaluated through homework assignments (30%), quizzes (10%), and a final project (50%). Lab attendance is mandatory (10%). There will be three homework packets, to be completed individually, and the final project is a more extensive group project, to be done collaboratively in a team of 3 or 4.
— Lab Section A, led by TA Manu Thomas, is held on Monday from 4:00pm to 5:05pm in
Social Sciences 2, room 165.
— Lab Section B, led by TA David Abramov, is held on Thursday from 8:30am to 9:35am in
Social Sciences 2, room 167.
— Lab Section C, led by TA David Abramov, is held on Wednesday from 12pm to 1:05pm in
Social Sciences 2, room 167.
Please join the CMPM 163 Slack channel at The best way to contact the instructor and the TAs is by sending a direct message via Slack. You can also set up your own channels for group projects, etc.