CMPM 163: Game Graphics and Real-time Rendering introduces real-time hardware-accelerated graphics programming suitable for game development, visual effects, and interactive projects. Emphasis will be placed on shader programming and developing custom effects using the Unity game development platform, but we will also explore live coding environments and WebGL libraries. No textbook is required, instead we will read from recent journal articles and online publications, and also survey the use of visual effects in films, interactive media, VR experiences, and video games. Invited speakers from industry and academia will present contemporary graphics techniques and provide insight into real-world projects. In addition to quizzes and the completion of shorter assignments throughout the semester, students will be responsible for a project that involves the creation, demonstration, and documentation of a real-time graphics technique.

Grading will be based on participation and successfully mastery of course content, evaluated through homework assignments (30%), quizzes (10%), and a final project (50%). Lab attendance is mandatory (10%). There will be three homework packets, to be completed individually, and the final project is a more extensive group project, to be done collaboratively in a team of 3 or 4.

CMPM 163 is taught by Prof. Angus Forbes, an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Computational Media. Angus’ office hours are on Wednesdays at 11am in E2-259, or by appointment. The TAs for the course are Manu Mathew Thomas ( and David Abramov (, graduate students in Computational Media.
— Lectures are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:40am to 1:15pm in Social Sciences 2, room 75.

— Lab Section A, led by TA Manu Thomas, is held on Monday from 4:00pm to 5:05pm in Social Sciences 2, room 165.
— Lab Section B, led by TA David Abramov, is held on Thursday from 8:30am to 9:35am in Social Sciences 2, room 167.
— Lab Section C, led by TA David Abramov, is held on Wednesday from 12pm to 1:05pm in Social Sciences 2, room 167.

Please join the CMPM 163 Slack channel at The best way to contact the instructor and the TAs is by sending a direct message via Slack. You can also set up your own channels for group projects, etc.

UC Santa Cruz is committed to creating an academic environment that supports its diverse student body. If you are a student with a disability who requires accommodations to achieve equal access in this course, please submit your Accommodation Authorization Letter from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to me privately during my office hours or by appointment, preferably within the first two weeks of the quarter. At this time, I would also like us to discuss ways we can ensure your full participation in the course. I encourage all students who may benefit from learning more about DRC services to contact DRC by phone at 831-459-2089, or by email at