CMPM 164: Game Engines explores the design and use of contemporary engines, primarily focused on topics in graphics and rendering, and also game engine architecture. We will work with Unreal Engine (currently at version 4.23) to implement a range of real-time techniques, including recently introduced approaches to real-time ray tracing. No textbook is required, instead we will read from recent articles and blogs,
and also survey the use of visual effects in films, interactive media,
VR experiences, and video games. The course is programming intensive, and requires the use of C++.
In addition to the completion of shorter assignments throughout the semester,
students will be responsible for a project that involves the creation,
demonstration, and documentation of a technique of their choice implemented in Unreal Engine.
Grading will be based on participation and successfully mastery
of course content, evaluated through homework assignments (30%)
and a collaborative final project (50%). Lab attendance is mandatory (10%) and participation in class discussion is expected (10%).