Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine documentation
Unreal Engine video channel
Register an account with Epic Games and download and install Unreal Engine 4.23 (or make sure you have access to lab computers with Unreal Engine installed).
Watch the following videos: Getting Started in Unreal Engine and Introducing the Principles of Real-Time Rendering.
Some techniques for shading machine renderings of solids, by Arthur Appel
An improved illumination model for shaded display, by Turner Whitted
Distributed ray tracing, by Robert Cook,
Thomas Porter, and Loren Carpenter
What’s the Difference Between Ray Tracing and Rasterization?, by Brian Caulfield
Rendering (Wikipedia)
Graphics Pipeline (Wikipedia)
Ray Tracing (Wikipedia)
scratchapixel.com’s Introduction to Ray Tracing
scratchapixel.com’s Ray Tracing Tutorial
Farouk Ounane’s Ray-Tracer in C++ from Scratch
3D C/C++ Tutorials - Ray Tracing
Generating Camera Rays
scratchapixel.com’s Ray-Sphere Intersection
scratchapixel.com’s Ray-Triangle Intersection
Íñigo Quílez’s Ray-Primitive Intersectors
Wikipedia’s Phong Reflection Model
RTR’s Ray Tracing Fundamentals (Chp 26.1)
Peter Shirley’s Ray Tracing in One Weekend
scratchapixel.com’s Reflection, Refraction and Fresnel
RTR Chapter 9: Physically Based Shading (download via UCSC Library)
RTR Chapter 10: Local Illumination (download via UCSC Library)
A Reflectance Model for Computer Graphics, by Robert Cook and Kenneth Torrance
Wikipedia’s Bidirectional reflectance distribution function
Wikipedia’s Rendering equation
Brian Karis’ Real shading in Unreal Engine 4
Joey de Vries’s PBR Theory
Lab: Post Processing
FGED2 Presentations:
Issei and Alejandro: Ambient Occlusion
Ivan and Alfred: Spatial Partitioning and Acceleration Algorithms
Lab: Particle Systems with Niagara
Ke-Sen Huang’s List of SIGGRAPH 2019 Papers on the Web
YouTube playlist of Niagara tutorials
Art Hiteca’s Niagara tutorials
Building Effects with Niagara and Blueprint (GDC 2019)
Introduction to Niagara (Unreal Fest 2019)
Niagara: What’s New, Wyeth Johnson
Split Hare’s Intro to Unreal’s Niagara System
Rendering Equation (Wikipedia)
Path Tracing (Wikipedia)
The Rendering Equation, by James Kajiya
Global Illumination using Photon Maps, by
Henrik Wann Jensen
Modeling the Interaction of Light Between Diffuse Surfaces, by
Cindy M. Goral, Kenneth E. Torrance, Donald P. Greenberg, and Bennett Battaile
Bi-directional Path Tracing, by Eric B. Lafortune and Yves D. Willems
Metropolis Light Transport, by Eric Veach and Leonidas J. Guibas
Multiplexed Metropolis Light Transport, by Toshiya Hachisuka, Anton S. Kaplanyan, and Carsten Dachsbacher
Kernel-Predicting Convolutional Networks for Denoising
Monte Carlo Renderings, by Steve Bako, Thijs Vogels, Brian McWilliams, Mark Meyer, Jan Novak, Alex Harvill, Pradeep Sen, Tony DeRose, and Fabrice Rousselle
RTR Chapter 11: Global Illumination (download via UCSC Library)
RTR Chapter 26: Real-Time Ray Tracing