Visualizing and analyzing the relationships between taxonomic entities
represented in multiple input classifications is both challenging and required
due to recurrent new discoveries and inferences of taxa and their phylogenetic
relationships. Despite the availability of numerous visualization techniques, the
large size of hierarchical classifications and complex relations between taxonomic
entities generated during a multi-taxonomy alignment process requires
new visualizations.
ProvenanceMatrix is a novel tool allowing
end users (taxonomists, ecologists, phylogeneticists) to explore and comprehend
the outcomes of taxonomic alignments.
ProvenanceMatrix, developed by Tuan Dang in collaboration with Nico Franz, Bertram Ludascher, and Angus Forbes, has been evaluated on taxonomic classifications of various sizes, from a
few to hundreds of taxonomic entities and hundreds of thousands of relationships. It was presented at
VOILA’15, the ISWC Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Ontologies and Linked Data.